I want to do my nails

March 6, 2009

Ok – no. I don’t want to do my nails, and no, I’m not gay. So on with the story. 

I  had just gotten out of classes at the resource center and me and hailey and my mom were in the car waiting for Savannah to finish a chem test. The car windows were open.
I’m really bored so I pick up some little sand-paper popsickle stick looking like thing and I try to figure out what it is. Like the name was on the tip of my tounge but I couldn’t get it out! I knew that y’all girls use it for ur nails.

Mom reached out to take the stick. Just as she grabbed it I remembered that it was called a nail filer and those female things use it to file down their nails. I joked (very loudly) “But I want to do my nails!!!”

Just as I said that Leanne walks by the window and hears it and starts laughing like crazy! and then she goes in the resource center and tells everyone in the front room what had happened.

you probably dont care but it was SOO funny if you were there.